Unlink Content

Visuals that are added to your publication may be either "linked to" a parent discovery or local to the publication. Where the visual is linked, any changes to its formatting (except for Panel Settings) and other details are made in Discover and flow through to any publications or presentations that the visual appears in. Where the visual is unlinked, it exists only in the publication and can be edited, including formatting changes, without affecting the original discovery. You may want to unlink visuals from your publications if you want to prevent any future changes to the discovery being included in your publication or to enable formatting specifically for the publication.

Note: By default, discoveries that are created in Publish are one-off content items that exist only in the current publication (are unlinked). Linked discoveries are typically created in advance in Discover and dragged onto your publication from the content management menus.

When you unlink visuals, they can be edited without affecting the original visual in Discover, and vice-versa. This means you can:

  • Overwrite the themes and formatting applied to the visual from Discover, without affecting the original instance.
  • Edit the original content without affecting other presentations or publications that include the original visual.

Unlink Visuals

Unlink All

Unlink all visuals currently in the publication.


Unlink a single selected content item using the Unlink button.

  1. Select the relevant visual on the canvas.
  2. From the Component ribbon, click Unlink.

When the original visualization in Discover is edited, the unlinked visual in the report will not be affected.

Unlink Slicer

You can, optionally, unlink a slicer from its discovery in the Elements section of the Slicer Settings panel. This allows you to update the slicer without affecting its formerly linked discovery or any other instances of the slicer.

For more information, see Slicer Settings: Elements.

Editing Visuals in Publish

Make Shareable

If you want to save an unlinked discovery so that it can be edited in Discover and shared with other presentations and publications, right-click it and select Make Shareable from the context menu. You will need to save your visual as a content item with an identifiable name for future re-use.

Formatting Content

You can open the Formatting panel in Publish and use it to:

  • Update the Panel Settings for your linked visual.
  • Update all of the formatting options, including Panel Settings, for your unlinked visual.
  • Click here for details about the Formatting panel in Publish
  • Click here for details of the Panel Settings in the Formatting panel